"Look within. Don't be afraid to use your mind to
the utmost and to seek your deepest center. Far from this attention to the deepest realm of
the human spirit walling you up within yourself, it will open out on to the whole mystery of
the universe and the human race. It will show You your union with the forests and birds and
distant galaxies, and every other human being who ever was or ever will be. And this kind of
metaphysical seeing will give you a tiny glimpse of the fiery mystery of existence from which
all things have come and by which they are continually sustained and to which they strive to
return. But as splendid as this mystery is, it is meant to draw you into the mystery of Christ. The
Word of God has become flesh, and by taking a human nature in that very act has
transformed it and transforms, as well, the universe and the human race. You have a new
being in Christ in which you share through him in the very life of the Trinity." - Emile Mersch (inner explorations.com)